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Agriculture Crops

Crop Thematic area Name of the technology demonstrated No. of Farmer Area(ha) Yield (q/ha) % change in yield Other parameters *Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) *Economics of check(Rs./ha)
Demonsration Check Demo Check GrossCost GrossReturn Net Return **BCR GrossCost GrossReturn Net Return **BCR
Cucumber IDM Managementof Downy mildew (Pseudoperonosporacubense)of cucurbits 10 01 362 270 34.07 15%/5 plant 35%/ 5 plant 115200 412000 296800 3.57 108000 322000 214000 2.98
Paddy IPM IntegratedPest Management of yellow stem borer of paddy 10 01 48 41.5 15.66 18%/5plant 30%/5 plant 28000 72000 44000 2.57 24720 58950 34230 2.38
Brinjal IPM Integrated Pest Management of Fruit and Shoot Borerin Brinjal 10 01 675 537 25.69 21% /5plant (infected shoot and fruit) 37%/5plant(infectedshoot and fruit) 190000 540000 350000 2.84 175100 429600 254500 2.45


Category Thematic area Name of the technology demonstrated No. of Farmer No.of units Major parameters % change in major parameter Other parameter *Economics of demonstration (Rs.) *Economics of check(Rs.)
Demonsration Check Demonsration Check Gross Cost Gross Return Net Return **BCR Gross Cost Gross Return Net Return **BCR
Commoncarps CompositeFish Culture Increasing thestocking density and growth of Amur Carp in Composite fish culture system. 09 09 200.41 38.4 16.1 84800 520100 435300 6.13 72400 219200 146800 3.02